Tuesday, 9 December 2014

plans 4 christmas

so this blog (not a mind blowing blog but a school related blog) is about what I'm doing on the holidays, obviously I'm not giving away very thing I'm going to do and where I'm going to specifically be on the internet but I am smart enough to give you normal people (the good normal not average normal)) a vague idea of what might happen. first of I'm going to have Christmas at my parents house (I think) then later I think I might be going to Australia to hang out with other relatives.

Since that's about all I know I might as well tell you random's what I want for Christmas.by the way this list could petentionlly look greedy but I'm ttying to give youa general idea of my interests and I'm not expecting ANY of these for Christmas.

now that's out of the way heres a list of expensive thing's:

elagato (video recorder)

snes (super Nintendo entertainment system, retro gamer right here)

go pro (the head-cam one because I like making movies)

paints (topaint my nerf guns and make them look cool)

a panda hat (don't even ask)

Five Nights At Freddys (FNAF) explained

OK before i talk about this I have to say that this isn't my theory at all in fact I got this theory from game theory which is a youtube channel for the most devoted game theorists (like me, casual brag) so don't be saying that this isn't my theory because I already know. the reason I brougt this up is because I was the 20th person to watch this and not many people would have seen PART TWO of the theory which came out due to the sequel-prequel (watch the 2nd video below for more info). When I saw this my mind was once again blown, so enjoy watching and subscribe if you haven't if you like their stuff.

the video provided are the theories and i suggest you watch them.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Oh My God so much drawlix that I have to do right now (search drawlix up)

Before I do my proper post of the week or whatever I have to say that the next few blogs that aren't school related are purely my opinoin and are also quite AMAZING AND WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE 4EVA CUS Y DA HELL NOT. anyway this was just a heads up because my next blogs could possibly be the most amazing thing you've heard from a human being.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

(ex)TERM(inate) 4

So basically this one of the last going to blog posts that I do for school (yaaaay, oh i mean oh well) and its about term 4 highlights but on a blog!

I really enjoyed dodgeball because it's fun and uses alot of skill.

we didn't get to play hunger games dodgeball (should have played divergent dodgeball ,lol).

I loved watching the doctor who series (because i'm a proper devoted fan *cough* cough*).

chillin' with friends was fun.

I loved doing maths. maths is probably the best thing in the world. i can't believe why everybody is like: oh maths is sooooooo boring. (if you havn't guessed I dislike maths,it's called sarcasm).

tech was amazing! nuff said.

Monday, 24 November 2014


so I'm going to college soon and this is a reflection 'bout how I'm feeling and stuff.
here are the questions.

What are

some things you want to do/try/achieve next year?
 I'm not a high achiever and my goal is just to have a good time while learning 

 What are some things you are looking forward to?
I am looking forward to meeting new people and finding opportunities to learn
 What are some things that could be challenging?
I might find some subjects challenging but I feel that I can handle it

Yeah this post is more directed at specific people rather then everybody. thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Zamby apacalapse (my speech)

So if you haven't guessed this post is about my school speech competition. My speech was about how to survive the zombie apocalypse (yes i can spell it, I just wanted to name the heading like that). I thought it went pretty well, I was under the time limit but I was not the only one. I won't go into detail about my speech but I may post the whole thing sometime.

Hope you enjoyed, Bye.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Book reveiw (sort of)

For this blog I going to talk about a book i've been reading recently: warriors midnight. The main basis for the book is about four clans (i recommend reading the first series to really grasp the idea of warriors) and one cat from each of the clans have to save the clans from terrible destruction. two more cats come along for the journey and this book is part one of six (i think), the first book is more about the start of the journey but is still a really good read. I hope you've enjoyed this book reveiw (sort of) and I also hope you start reading the warriors series.

Monday, 27 October 2014


So I have to blog about questions on space, so here it is.

What are you interested in?: I'm interested in special stars like the pistol star which is cool because in twenty seconds it can generate the same amount of light than the sun generates in a year.

What questions did it raise (apart from this one)?: well I wondered how many sun/big stars there were in the universe but I couldn't count them all :(

 So thats my blog post for today guys, hope you enjoy. Bye

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

It's peles birthday!

So it's peles birthday yay, pele was an amazing footballer and stuff. other stuff said stuff and stuff stuff so stuff happened and pele has arrived yay ok so stuff bye search up pele ok bye.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

my actual holiday

For the school holidays i did not do much, but I did go to a sleep over which i will explain.
I went to a friends house with some other friends and we had a sleepover. We basically played mine-craft hunger games for ages, I not kidding that was the main thing we did. The people that came were: James small, Andrew small and me (Thomas m would have come but he was in another country) we all went to Anthony's house and like i said before we just played video games. For dinner we had pizza and in the morning we had an amazing breakfast: hash browns (i had about 7), pancakes (which were massive) and other things like bacon and blue berries.

I went to other peoples houses during the holidays like Gaston Junca (hes Argentinian BTW) and we had an awesome water fight with him and his neighbors, I also learned to rainbow flick by myself (without help). Heres a video on how to rainbow flick (football BTW)    

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

pokemon games

so the news that Pokemon omega and alpha or whatever (i have a bad reputation with 6th gen games) came out a while ago and when i heard it was a 3d remake of sapphire and ruby (both the predecessor of my favorite game of the series, Pokemon emerald) i was at first slightly annoyed but came around and realized the my friend who lives in Canberra now predicted that pokemon will make a remake in 3d of the old games. so I'm slightly mindblownded (thats now a word) but also slightly exited (slightly) about how they will make the game. if they screw it up i will rage because 3 gen is the best (in my opinion) and has some of my favorite pokemon that i use in NU (if you know what that is).

I might be posting some of the cooler pokemon fusions and might make a top ten, more of that in a later post. ok that's it. BYE(btw 70th post!)

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

my holiday


this would have been a reflection on what happened at the production but I was on holiday during the production (and I such a rebel) so now its a reflection on most of the stuff i did on holiday.

I'm going to skip the boring bit about getting on the plane and playing video games (BTW I bet a world record, no biggie) so i can get to the fun stuff. The next day we were going to go to wet and wild and we did but most of the kid rides were closed so my little brother would have gotten really bored, so we went to movie world. Movie world was much better and the first thing I did was go on the green lantern ride (this bit will be me explaining every ride i went on so brace yourselves), They take you up really high and then you fall a tiny bit and slowly come to the fall. Most falls will just take you down but this one make you go into the ride a little bit and then drops you. Next you slow down and come to a few sideways bends and then they take you upside down to do a loop, the next was just a few bend and an upside down moment and it was done. 

I did that a few times and then we just missed the stunt show but we got to watch it later in the week, I was waaaaay to much of a pussy on the first day so i didn't go on two of the rides (which I did later) but i did the super spooky scooby-doo scary-coaster (not). The next day I manned up and did the batman and superman rides which were awesome and I will now explain them.

BATMAN ride:

The batman was really straight foreword or should I say straight up because the batman bat-wing ride just shoots you up at extreme speeds, but the best bit is after the first bit because you are forced into negative g force which means you fall with nothing beneath you (I'm always scared the harness will break)


The super man ride was awesome. imagine your average roller coaster with high archs,then triple the speed and you've got the super man ride