Thursday, 27 February 2014

nearly 1000

Hey guy's.
I'd just like to say thanks for your help in nearly getting 1000 page views.
It's been about a year since i made a blog and I'm glad you alt least looked at it.
thanks, bye

Sunday, 16 February 2014


My reflection starts here.

what I expected: I feel everything is going well and stuff, it's going smoothly and the first  weeks have been good. being the bigger kid's than last year is awesome as well as being the biggest kid's. I did not expect to find a book series called CHERUB as good as it is (which is awesome by the way). well apart from CHERUB and Doctor Who not a lot has changed, a few new kids came to school but apart from that It's pretty lax in changes. Favourite things...Favourite things.  that is a tricky question actually, I am pretty hyped by camp, I mean year 6 camp was awesome. well Doctor Who is my favourite TV show and CHERUB, book series. I've talked to the new kid and "talked" to some random year 7's (no offense) but apart from that it's normal friends I talk to. I'm coping with the task system fine, It's same as last year.

buts all really.

OH yeah before I forget here's a song me and my old neighborhood friend found (before he moved)


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

2014 update

So now that it's 2014 I've thought I should update my blog with a few things.

Well first of I got into Doctor who and can't stop (and if you don't know what that is my advise is get a life)

then theirs the fact that I'm a year 8 now so yeah that is cool I guess.

And um, my holiday was fun because I went to Australia for 2 weeks and I had Christmas there.

Oh yeah another thing I got into was a book series called CHERUB which is amazing, It's about orphaned kid working for the British intelligence *caution spoiler alert*  CHERUB stands for Charles Hendersons
Espionage research unit B (Charles Henderson is the one who founded CHERUB in the second world war.

OK I guess that's all for know.
and remember Fezzes are cool.