Sunday, 30 November 2014

(ex)TERM(inate) 4

So basically this one of the last going to blog posts that I do for school (yaaaay, oh i mean oh well) and its about term 4 highlights but on a blog!

I really enjoyed dodgeball because it's fun and uses alot of skill.

we didn't get to play hunger games dodgeball (should have played divergent dodgeball ,lol).

I loved watching the doctor who series (because i'm a proper devoted fan *cough* cough*).

chillin' with friends was fun.

I loved doing maths. maths is probably the best thing in the world. i can't believe why everybody is like: oh maths is sooooooo boring. (if you havn't guessed I dislike maths,it's called sarcasm).

tech was amazing! nuff said.

Monday, 24 November 2014


so I'm going to college soon and this is a reflection 'bout how I'm feeling and stuff.
here are the questions.

What are

some things you want to do/try/achieve next year?
 I'm not a high achiever and my goal is just to have a good time while learning 

 What are some things you are looking forward to?
I am looking forward to meeting new people and finding opportunities to learn
 What are some things that could be challenging?
I might find some subjects challenging but I feel that I can handle it

Yeah this post is more directed at specific people rather then everybody. thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Zamby apacalapse (my speech)

So if you haven't guessed this post is about my school speech competition. My speech was about how to survive the zombie apocalypse (yes i can spell it, I just wanted to name the heading like that). I thought it went pretty well, I was under the time limit but I was not the only one. I won't go into detail about my speech but I may post the whole thing sometime.

Hope you enjoyed, Bye.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Book reveiw (sort of)

For this blog I going to talk about a book i've been reading recently: warriors midnight. The main basis for the book is about four clans (i recommend reading the first series to really grasp the idea of warriors) and one cat from each of the clans have to save the clans from terrible destruction. two more cats come along for the journey and this book is part one of six (i think), the first book is more about the start of the journey but is still a really good read. I hope you've enjoyed this book reveiw (sort of) and I also hope you start reading the warriors series.