Thursday, 28 November 2013

D-Day (no not dooms day)

on Thursday 29/11/13 also know as yesterday rm12 11 and 8 had a Dino day where we made a mini documentary on dinosaurs. my group consisted of me of course and 2 rm11s plus a rn8, our dinosaurs were the ST-RACO-SAURS and the AL-BERT-SUARS. we made sets for the plastic dinosaurs.
and is honestly it we did that for the whole day and i narrated because i only had one arm (i broke my wrist) while the others filmed and puppeteer ed. so yeah, bye  

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Guy fawkes

In my opinion (or I'm forced to write this post) I think that Guy Fawkes shouldn't have fireworks set off more than it should be set off on Christmas, in fact it deserves to have fireworks even more than Guy Fawkes. First off why are we celebrating someone who tried to blow up parliament although it was because he didn't like what the parliament was doing. Its true that were celebrating a fat man dressed in red and white jumping down our chimney but I still think its better then a man trying to blow up a famous building. So that's my opinion  on this matter.

Monday, 28 October 2013

what my future job could be?

Well after some thought I've decided that I'd like to make either video games or comic books. Yes it is not that easy but I've grown up playing video games (my cousin gave me a game-boy pocket when  was 4) and reading comic books. From research I have learned that being a game designer is not typing stuff in a computer, it just making every tiny single idea to put in the game and give the information to the right people such as the programmer or the game artist. It is mainly composed of writing and reading.

The things I'd need to be a comic book writer would be art and writing (which i have both). It also appeals to me because I love comic books and find them awesome to read and write. These are what kicked of my liking to video games and comic books

Thursday, 24 October 2013

term reflection part 2 (holiday redone)

for the coolest thing ive done that would be the mass emounts of parkour ive been able to learn and do

holidays redone

so i read the task sheet wrong and im supposed to write about ONE thing not like a million random things. well on the second week of the holidays i went zorbing in roterua, it was me and william wood. the first thing zorb that i went into was a two people zorb (a zorb is a clear rubber ball you roll on). we rolled down a steep hill head over heels a few times (like 20), the next zorb i did was a single man zorb which was a bit smaller but still massive. i rolled down a different hill then the steep one but it was all zigzagged and bumpy (oh yeah did i mention the an 1/16 of the zorb was filed with warm water!) this is a picture of the place we zorbed (it might not be of me though)

Sunday, 20 October 2013

spring fair

my holidays was okay but id rather write/type about the spring fair instead cause i can and it was easier to write ( mainly because most of it was staying at home, although Hobbiton and Zorbing was cool). when i got to the spring fair i just walked around at the usual stalls, i bought an Asian pork bun for 2 50 which was a good price. later i met up with Thomas Milicich and we just walked and argued about useless stuff for a bit buying stuff until he went to find his sister to eat the rest of his candy floss. I went to room9 did a pillow fight with Ben Kimble who owned me with a surprisingly hard pillow. well thats it for now hope your holidays went well, fairwell

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

term 3/4 goals for 2013/2014

hey guys i am supposed to write my  goals in my journal but I've lost my journal and my term 3 goals so I'll just have to remember them. my academic was to get a higher score in maths my highest was 86, my technology goal or whatever was to finish the parkour games but we never did.  
minecraft + parkour + hunger games = minecraft parkour games

my sports goals was to make it to cross country (or was it beat a yr8), well that didn't happen.
well that's all i can remember sorry, bye