Thursday, 28 November 2013

D-Day (no not dooms day)

on Thursday 29/11/13 also know as yesterday rm12 11 and 8 had a Dino day where we made a mini documentary on dinosaurs. my group consisted of me of course and 2 rm11s plus a rn8, our dinosaurs were the ST-RACO-SAURS and the AL-BERT-SUARS. we made sets for the plastic dinosaurs.
and is honestly it we did that for the whole day and i narrated because i only had one arm (i broke my wrist) while the others filmed and puppeteer ed. so yeah, bye  


  1. Will, the 29 is today, a FRIDAY smart guy

  2. haha, daniel you said that the 29th was today on the 28th and it was actually thursday 28th
